#如果你開的 table 忘記設定 public, 這程式可以全部重新設定
# 2010/12/26 by Darren Shen
database ds
define g_dbs like type_file2.chr20
define g_table like type_file2.chr40
define g_sql1 like type_file2.chr500
define g_ok like type_file2.chr1
let g_dbs=UPSHIFT(arg_val(1))
if ccl_null(g_dbs) then
display 'Args: dbs'
exit program
end if
database g_dbs
declare c1 cursor with hold for select TABLE_NAME from all_tables
where owner=g_dbs order by table_name
foreach c1 into g_table
let g_ok="Y"
begin work
let g_sql1='grant select on ',g_table clipped,' to public'
#display g_sql1
prepare p_pre1 from g_sql1
execute p_pre1
if status then
let g_ok="N"
end if
#display g_sql1
let g_sql1='grant index on ',g_table clipped,' to public'
prepare p_pre2 from g_sql1
execute p_pre2
if status then
let g_ok="N"
end if
let g_sql1='grant update on ',g_table clipped,' to public'
prepare p_pre3 from g_sql1
execute p_pre3
if status then
let g_ok="N"
end if
let g_sql1='grant delete on ',g_table clipped,' to public'
prepare p_pre4 from g_sql1
execute p_pre4
if status then
let g_ok="N"
end if
let g_sql1='grant insert on ',g_table clipped,' to public'
prepare p_pre5 from g_sql1
execute p_pre5
if status then
let g_ok="N"
end if
if g_ok="Y" then
commit work
display g_dbs clipped ,' :',g_table
rollback work
display g_dbs clipped ,' :',g_table clipped,' :',status
end if
end foreach
end main
function ccl_null(p_str)
define p_str string
define l_len integer
let l_len=length(p_str.trim())
if l_len = 0 then
return true
return false
end if
end function